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Aden are now Members of the 5% Club

Aden are delighted to announce we are now members of the 5% Club.

For Aden becoming members of The 5% Club showcases our commitment to developing our people.

The 5% Club, is an industry led initiative focussed on driving momentum into the recruitment of apprentices, graduates and sponsored students. Initiated by Leo Quinn Group CEO of Balfour Beatty in 2013. The Club is a movement of more than 700 employers providing ‘earn and learn’ opportunities to develop the skills and talents people need to become more employable and create meaningful careers.

Here at Aden we commit to raising the number of apprentices, to 5% of our total workforce within five years.

To find out more information about The 5% Club and how to become a member, please visit www.5percentclub.org.uk