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Apprentice Case Study - Elliott Robinson

Meet Elliott Robinson - Groundworker Apprentice

Elliott is currently doing his level two Groundworker apprenticeship and has been with Aden since March 2023. In the six months that, Elliott has been with us he has proved to be an integral part of the team; working closely with his colleagues and often receiving positive feedback. He always remains poised, calm and ready to make a quick decision when faced with an unexpected challenge. He is proving to be a true rising star of the company.

We recently sat down with Elliott and asked him some questions regarding his apprenticeship;

Why did I choose an apprenticeship?

I chose an apprenticeship because it allows me to be able to work and gain work experience whilst still being able to learn at college and gain my qualifications to become a qualified ground worker.

What do you like about working for Aden?

I enjoy the wide range of different projects which I am involved in and everyone I work with. I am looking forward to learning more and gaining more skills as time goes by.

How do Aden support you?

Aden support me in many different ways. If I have any problems, I get quick responses over email or messages. I am working with knowledgeable people who are teaching me new skills.

What advice do you have for anyone else looking for an apprenticeship?

Make sure you are 100% sure on what field of work you want to be trained in.

We wish Elliott the best of luck with the rest of his apprenticeship.