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Aden Helps with Deliveries to Bedford Foodbank

Aden Helps Willmott Dixon to Deliver Donations in Aid of Hygiene Poverty.

On 12th December we were delighted to once again help our valued clients Willmott Dixon, to deliver much needed donations to the Bedford Foodbank.

This year, the focus of the donations was on items for hygiene purposes. Hygiene poverty effects over 6% of the UK population and is defined as not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products most of us take for granted and is the reality for many unfortunately.

The delivery of these donations, now seems to be becoming an annual tradition for us here at Aden and something we really enjoy getting involved with. Meeting the volunteers and having a tour of the foodbank was an added bonus this year. As always, we were more than happy to offer our help as a team and contribute to the very generous donations.